“It was his third shot that actually made me shout in frightened terror.”

Whenever I visit the Yahoo! front page, the great pulsing Krell-like brains that power the “Today” module use their fancy “algorithms” and “data” to decide that for some reason, I’m the kind of guy who’ll be interested in some wacky sports highlight/meltdown story. “High school kid’s amazing super-fast pitch!” “Basketball game interrupted by horde of marmots!”

And you know what? The front page people are totally right. I love wacky sports stories. Thanks, Science!

Anyway, the following sports meltdown story is a classic, so it most likely won’t be appearing on the Yahoo! front page unless there’s a really slow news day. Yes, it’s a golf story, but you’ll want to watch it anyway. My coworker David describes it like so:

If you are going to watch one golf hole in your life, watch that one. Jean Van de Velde,
an unheard of journeyman pro, stood on the final hole with a 3 shot lead. I
watched this live and didn’t know what to think. It was like watching a guy
get in a car accident, get up, find a new car, get in another accident, over
and over. It was his third shot that actually made me shout in frightened

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