I’m starting to think that Andrew Sullivan is not all he’s cracked up to be.
In his blog, the “Daily Dish”, he’s been railing against the
taking on the war. “Now, it’s official. I don’t think it’s an accident that the
Democrats have launched an attack on the war’s direction the day it becomes clear that
the recession, even if it existed in the first place, is now history… The anti-war left is back
with a vengeance. And the battle to protect this country has only just begun.”
Oh, those nasty unpatriotic liberals, undermining the war effort!
But the thing is, I read
those articles that Sullivan linked to and they were nothing of the sort.
What they did do was criticize Bush and the Republicans (mostly in domestic policy).
The authors were simply exhorting Democrats to not let Bush walk all over them.
But Sullivan is arguing that in a time of war the opposition should simply
sit down and STFU. Sorry… that’s not how it works.
I dunno. Maybe Sullivan and the rest of the “Warbloggers” are
running out of steam.
Back in the good old days of September and October,
they had plenty of juicy, fat, extremely stupid targets. Noam Chomsky!
Susan Sontag! Robert Fisk! Ted Rall! Boy, was it fun seeing those pompous
jerks get ripped apart. Sure, I admit it… I enjoy bloodsports as much
as the next person.
Then November and December rolled around, and hahaha, look! The warbloggers
were right, and the uber-lefties were wrong. We pasted the Taliban, destroyed
the Al-Qaeda training camps, and food and medicine flowed to the Afgan people
in far larger quantities than they ever would have had we listened to the idiots
at Antiwar.com. So there were more insults, more feces hurled, and everyone
had a pretty good time all around.
But now… what are the warbloggers reduced to? Attacking the Democrats… for
what, exactly? Doing their job? Is it so inconceivable that someone could
support the war effort and disagree with Republican domestic policy? Or God forbid,
support the war effort then and disagree with its direction now?
(Is it really so smart to piss off the Europeans now that we sorta kinda
need them to help us with the dirty work of breaking up Al-Qaeda cells?)
Sorry, Andrew. It was great, lots of laughs, but you know… I just don’t
think we were meant for each other. Please don’t blame yourself — it’s me.