I’m so evil and… skanky. And I think I’m written for the IBM 7094!

The things you learn from conversations on Facebook…

  • Evan Goer [status]
    Oh, $5 clearance wine from Santa Rosa — you are surprisingly delicious! Why oh why did I only buy four bottles of you?
  • Michael Toback at 7:30pm January 8
    I sense a problem here. http://www-ai.ijs.si/eliza/eliza.html
    Cheap therapy for cheap wine.
  • Evan Goer at 7:34pm January 8
    You: Why did I not buy enough cheap, delicious wine?
    Eliza: Can you elaborate on that?
  • Sarah McNeil at 7:41pm January 8
    I think… I think it was your girlfriend’s fault. 🙁
  • Michael Toback at 7:43pm January 8
    Eliza: But you are not sure you think it was my girlfriends fault?
  • Evan Goer at 7:44pm January 8
    You: Ek er rei??r ok ?? brand!
    Eliza: Please go on.
  • Evan Goer at 7:47pm January 8
    Wait — has Eliza just come out? After all these years?
  • Michael Toback at 7:50pm January 8
    Yes. First LiLo, now Eliza!

Note for the People Magazine-challenged: “LiLo” refers to an actress/singer/starlet named Lindsey Lohan, not Lilo Pelekai of Hawaii or LILO the Linux bootloader. Now back to your regular programming.

4 thoughts on “I’m so evil and… skanky. And I think I’m written for the IBM 7094!

  1. Dude, you can’t pull that! If you post Old Norse with Eliza coming out, you’ve got to post the translation!

    If I’d only known, those early, heady days before I learned about chat-bots… oh what a tease you were, Eliza.

  2. It’s Old Norse for, “I am angry and have a sword!” Which is kind of inappropriate at that point in conversation — it just happened to be an Old Norse sentence that I could pull out of my brain easily. Anyway, Eliza’s response was pretty sensible.

  3. I’m not a wine snob by any means, but I’ve hit the point where I can’t drink 2 Buck Chuck anymore. I wish that hadn’t happened, particularly in this economy.

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