Viable Paradise

We interrupt our dissection of bad movies to bring you this announcement: I’ve been accepted to Viable Paradise! This is a fantastic opportunity to tap into the wisdom of some awesome, well-respected writers and editors in the SF field, and meet 23 other fresh new faces. So I am totally stoked. According to my careful study of the traffic on the Viable Paradise mailing list, the accepted exclamation of excitement over one’s acceptance is apparently, “squee!” However, cautious little ol’ me, I’m going to stick with the traditional exclamation of my people,[1]w00t!” That’s just how I roll.

1. By which I mean “video gamers” rather than “Jews”, of course. Are Ashkenazic Jews even allowed to have happy exclamations?

5 thoughts on “Viable Paradise

  1. Oh, sure… just sayin’, “mazel tov” would probably be greatly outnumbered by “oy veh”, wouldn’t it?

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