11 thoughts on “Death Spiral

  1. When was the last time there was such a feeling of mourning among the losers in a presidential campaign? I asked around and despite all the other emotions invoked by Bush v. Gore, I can’t find anyone who felt then like they felt Wednesday.

    I’ve heard the idea punted around that the leadership got the mess of a country that THEY deserve. (Of course, they also perceive a mandate for rewriting the constitution and much of the most important laws of this century.)

  2. Well I feel worse than usual because I turned thirty on November 3. So for me, the election results were a particularly crappy present.

    If the feeling of mourning is higher, I suppose we could speculate as to why that is:

    1. Last election, a lot of people didn’t give a rat’s ass either way. (Remember how back then, you could call Bush and Gore “Tweedledee” and “Tweedledum” without getting laughed off the stage?)

    2. In 2000, Bush was an unknown, and possibly even a “compassionate conservative.” The record of the incumbent is right out there in stark relief.

    3. With a 51/48 divide, the president is already talking about a “mandate” and spending the “political capital” he has earned. (This amounts to no change in behavior from the last time around, so in truth we should be no more morose about this one.)

    4. In 2004, we have lots of bloggers amplifying the moroseness. Bad, bad bloggers!

    Just a general observation: American conservatives believe in the supremacy of big, giant, uncontrollable external forces — Jesus, the Free Market, etc. American liberals believe in using puny human reason to control and plan things. So when conservatives fail, they blame big giant, uncontrollable external forces, and get energized. When liberals fail, they blame themselves, and get depressed.

  3. Thanks! I’m feeling better, and I did get some nice presents, actually. The best present of all came from my sister. She knew I was bummed and that I was not looking forward to planning anything. Not only did she travel up here from LA, but she planned and organized the birthday celebration without me having to do anything.

    Basically, sisters rock. If you don’t have one, you should do everything in your power to get one, including begging your parents. And if your parents are too old (and medical technology is pushing the barrier further and further each year), there’s always kidnapping.

  4. Hey, if your sister gave you such a nice gift this year. I wonder what she has in store for you for your 34th birthday…? Hmmm….. 🙂

    I agree sisters rock. But what about brothers?

  5. I don’t have any direct experience with brothers. But I hear that brothers can be great, as long as they don’t bury you under floor cushions and then sit on the pile.

    “Sister? Huh? Sorry, mom, I haven’t seen any ‘sister’ around here…”

  6. Your homepage still says that you are 29. You are too young to start lying about your age. Besides, who are you trying to fool? We can tell that you are a year older because your comments seem a year wiser…. 🙂

  7. Whoops, thanks. And hey, if this is the same person who reminded me last year to update my front page… well, happy birthday to you too!

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