Marijuana (or: Econ 101)

Well, it looks like
Ken Lay
has chickened out of his Senate hearing
appointment, and now they’re going to
have to subpoena him. The article ends with a nice quote from the
Chairman of the SEC, Harvey Pitt:

Pitt lamented the impact of Enron’s dissipation on regular people who trusted the company.
“It is these Americans whose faith fuels our markets, who have no lobby and no trade
associations, whose interests are, and must be, paramount,” he said. “I am appalled at
what happened to them as a result of Enron’s collapse.”

Chairman Pitt’s concern for the average American investor would be truly
heartwarming… if only he hadn’t played such a large part in
creating the legal
environment that let Enron rip off those investors in the first place

Well, the Superbowl is over, and the Patriots, 14-point underdogs, beat the
St. Louis Rams 20-17 in an exciting last-minute field goal. But even more exciting,
apparently, were the Partnership for a
Drug-Free America
‘s Superbowl TV commercials, which pointed out that the drug trade
supports criminals and terrorists.
Well, the PDFA was sloppy; they conflated the tens of millions of dollars of
heroin funding
with the six hundred million dollars of
money that went to the FARC
with the rest of the illegal drug industry.

This of course
from the other side that managed to muddy the issue further, claiming that
the government is trying to tie marijuana to Al-Qaeda. I admit, the screedists did a good job.
The straw-man argument that “smoking a joint supports terrorism!” can now be considered
Officially Knocked Down.

On the other hand… according to NORML,
Americans consume at least 1200
to 1800 metric tons
of 6% THC cannabis per year. Here’s the bad news: those
hundreds of metric tons were not grown by your
goofy slacker college roommate in his dorm room closet. No, I’m afraid the bulk of the revenue
went to some very anti-social men in Northern California or Mexico. Men with guns and bear traps
and dogs trained to kill. And what products and services did these men purchase
with their profits? As much as I wish otherwise, methinks they did not
invest in Enron.

We Americans have spent the last few months bitching and moaning about “the root causes”
of terrorism. Where do these grievances come from? “Why do they hate us?
Well, we can debate whether the Arab world is justified in hating us from now ’till
Doomsday. In the meantime, I’ll tell you who does have real grievances
against the USA. The Colombians, that’s who.

Of course, if we legalized all drugs, this problem would go away.
And I’ve got no objections to that. That’s the best way to cut the legs out
from under the organized criminals who profit from the business.
However, just because you support drug legalization, don’t
for a second think that means you’re pure as the driven snow when you consume
them. Your choices have consquences;
unfortunately, you don’t usually end up paying them.