The Anti-Fry’s

Pat called me at the office earlier this week. The only reason
he wanted to talk was to tell me about his trip to the Apple store.
“It was like the anti-Fry’s,” he said. “No — it was like Frys is
supposed to be. Everything is clean and bright… and the
people in the store are there to help you, not keep you from

Well, I couldn’t get him to shut up until I promised to go with him.
“Pat,” I said, “you know this is pointless. We both have relatively
new computers. Neither of us can justify buying a new Mac.
Going to the Apple Store is like, technology porn. Look-but-don’t-touch.
What’s the point?”

But I went anyway. And I have to say, I was impressed with the new iMac.
My favorite part was not the CD/DVD/read/write drive. Not the amazing
swivel arm or the sharp flatscreen. Not the pretty OSX graphics.
No, I think I liked the UNIX terminal window.
Who is it that finally layers a modern user interface on UNIX? Not
my company. Not HP, IBM, or SGI.
Not GNOME or KDE. No… it’s Apple. BSD with Java 1.3.1 & Apache built-in.
Hot damn.

Alrighty, that’s about it. Time to head out for the evening. Just
one more thing — I’ve added a custom 404 error page. The first and
only Perl program I’ve ever written. It provides
a random haiku every time you try to access a nonexistent file on this
site. Give it a try: