November is Starting to Look Up

This journal has turned six years old. Yes, now we are six. Huzzah! I’d like to give thanks to my blogmother M’ris, as well as the AMD Corporation, without whom I wouldn’t have had anything to write about during those dark early days.

And I am turning thirty-three tomorrow. Thirty-three means you are seriously into your thirties. When you’re thirty or thirty-one, you can still think of yourself as a late twenty-something. But thirty-three? You are pot-committed. There’s just no going back.

In other news, one of the Lawyers, Guns, and Money guys is giving a lecture at the University of Alaska Southeast about how November really is the cruelest month:

The night will include an examination of the birth of Chilean dictator Augusto
Pinochet (Nov. 25, 1915); the mass murder/suicide in Jonestown (Nov. 18, 1978);
and the bloody St. Brice’s Day Massacre (Nov. 13, 1002).

“There’s a lot about nuclear weapons and aerial warfare,” Noon said. “There’s also
a number of things that have to do with the French Revolution…

Pretty grim stuff. But wait — who’s that cape-clad figure swooping in through the window — !

That’s right, it’s Mighty Mur, serving up a heaping dish of truth, justice, and free podcasted superhero novel! Mur was kind enough to hand me a draft copy of Playing For Keeps a while back, and so I can assure you that this novel is, in fact, made of awesome and win. But check it out for yourself.

I’m feeling better about this month already.

10 thoughts on “November is Starting to Look Up

  1. Happy Birthday,!

    And tomorrow, Happy Birthday Evan! I’m glad you’re just a little bit older than me. It gives me an excuse to think “well, at least I’m not…” 😉

  2. Happy Birthday!!

    May it be loads of awesome, and a good ride as well.

    I think I’m already feeling seriously into the 30’s 7 months behind you.

    How’s the story coming along?

  3. Just as long as you don’t get yourself crucified 🙂

    Happy birthday. I’m also glad you’re older than me. Even though I thought you were a couple years younger back when I met you.

  4. Auros — I think you’re right, Frodo was 33. Perhaps this is the year I should give up my normal haircut and go for the awesome Frodo-style Jew-fro…

    Dru — It’s behind schedule. 🙂

    Chris and Dave — As an older person, I’m happy to provide this service to those of you who are slightly younger. Coincidentally, tonight I’m stopping by a birthday party for someone who’s *much* older than me. So, good times all around!

  5. Happy Birthday, and enjoy your palindromic age!

    Thanks to our Congress, we now have another good thing in November: an extra hour of sleep this weekend.

  6. To celebrate your birthday have you considered elective surgery? I just finished recovering from a syllabic augmentation procedure on my penourmis and I feel great!

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